Associated Taxpayers of Idaho
The ATI, A 501 (c) (4) , is an independent, nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization, working on behalf of Idaho's taxpayer for effective, economical responsible government through research and public education.
History of Property, Income and Sales Taxation in Idaho; Idaho’s Tax System – Intergovernmental Revenue Sharing (Federal/State/Local Taxes and Fees)
Idaho Family Tax Burden
How Does Idaho Compare
Idaho Property Tax Levy Report
Idaho Sales Tax Collections by County
History of Idaho Income
Sales and Property Taxation
In addition, various Property Tax reports and Annual State Revenue Projections.
The ATI Tax Bulletin is published weekly during the legislative session and partnered annually with the ATI Newsletter.
Title 63, Property Tax Recodification; annual, ongoing research and testimony before legislative tax committees and others; staying involved by contributing to tax policy decisions and helping maintain a stable Idaho tax system; providing information and research for our members and for various industry and other groups that ATI’s members are participants; successful, well attended, annual Tax Conference addressing current and upcoming tax issues.
“I am grateful to the Associated Taxpayers of Idaho for taking the time and energy to produce the Idaho Family Tax Burden report. Non-partisan tax research, such as this, aides Idaho’s taxpayers and public officials in understanding the complex tax issues instrumental in shaping Idaho tax policy.”
-Former Governor Philip E. Batt
“Clear, concise tax information by the Associated Taxpayers of Idaho benefits all of us involved in forming Idaho tax policy decisions.”
-Former Senator Jerry Thorne, Chairman, Idaho Senate Local Government and Taxation Committee
“Independent research projects of the Associated Taxpayers of Idaho are useful educational materials for Idaho’s legislature, local officials, media and taxpayers at large. I encourage your financial support of this nonpartisan work.”
- Former Representative Donna Jones, Chairman House Revenue and Taxation Committee

Mailing Address
802 W. Bannock, Suite 307
Boise, Idaho 83702
P (208) 344-5581 • F (208) 344-5582
Miguel Legarreta